Hi, I'm Louis Wanyika

Am a software engineer who crafts user-friendly and intuitive web applicationss that are responsive and fast🚀.

Am also an amatuer goalkeeper⚽🧤

Do you want a develeper? Because thats how you know you want a developer!

Connect with me

github logo


next logo Nextjs
astro logo Astro
javascript logo Javascript
bun logo Bun
hono logo Hono
supabase logo Supabase
docker logo Docker
tailwind logo TailwindCSS
githhub logo Git


econo landing page

Econo Building and Construction

A modern and intuitively designed landing page for a Construction company that sells construction materials.

github logo javascript logo astro logo
econo landing page

Blog app

A small-scale blog app written in react, react-router, javascript and pocketbase as the database.

github logo react logo pocketbase logo
api image


An api endpoint that returns a list of scientist names, their inventions and discoveries, image url, origin location and their life.

Lets connect

Wanna build something cool together or just say hi?

Send an email

I'll get back to you asap


Lets connect
Thanks for visiting :)

Louis Wanyika Gituhi

© 2024 Designed and Made by Louis

All rights reserved