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Louis Wanyika

Front-end developer focused on building products.

Contact: 0759397500

Email: louisgituhi@gmail.com

Kenya Nyandarua EAT


I mostly work with Javascript,Typescript, React, Astro, Nodejs, Bun, Hono, Express and TailwindCSS I have 3 years of experince in web design and development.

Work Experience

lui digitals Remote 2023 - Present

Junior Front-end Engineer

I took charge for the design and successfull deployment of econo construction company website. The design was user intuitive and user-friendly. I also ensured it had better seo queries to drive traffic and excellent performance. Technologies: Astro js and Javascript.

County Government of Nyandarua 2022

Junior ICT Officer

I assisted the ICT Officer in network maintenance, establishing LAN networks under windows XP, windows 7/8/10 and windows server 2012 Standard Environment.
Network troubleshooting creating network users and maintaining operational procedures. Network installation, configuration and termination of RJ45 cables.
Hardware and software installations as well as repair and maintenance of computer systems. Troubleshooting and maintenance of unified communication systems. Creationg and restoration of Back-ups.


Murang'a University of Techonology 2019-2023

Bachelor's Degree in Software Engineering

Class: Second Class Upper-Division

Nyandarua High School 2015-2018

Kenya Certificate for Secondary Education (KCSE)

Grade: 66 points: B(plain)

Maryland Junior Academy 2014

Kenya Certificate for Primary Education (KCPE)

Grade: 399 marks: A-(minus)


Moses Irungu

Chief ICT Officer, Nyandarua County Government


Leah Wangeci Nderitu

Branch Manager, VIktas Sacco


Lewis Wachira

CEO, Luidigitals